Found Myself a Cheerleader...

 Hi, y'all! 

We are almost at the end of our Advent season! Can you believe it? It feels like we just started our Christmas season, yet here we are closing it out and beginning the Christmas season in two days! I recently started a new job, which I love, and we had our Christmas party last Saturday. Today I kept hearing this amazing woman ask everyone what they thought of her "friend" she brought as her date to the party and whether we think he is relationship material. It was amusing and sweet. I thought they were great together and told her as much but it got me thinking... who is the man in my life. I have Christ and know he is there for me but who is the person I ask when I need some advice on tough situations or an opinion. 

I have an incredible father. He has grown up through incredible adversity and come through it as a strong, stable, and fun dad who would do anything for his kids. He pushes us to do things we don't want to to make us stronger and he tells us how proud he is of us. Having him on my team, on my side, and willing to fight for me really makes me want to be better and fight for the things I need. We have our disagreements and everything isn't always perfect, but that's what strengthens our relationship. 

So, why am I telling you all this? I know not everyone has the same father-daughter relationship as I do. I know girls whose fathers are terrible, absent, or merely alive in their lives. I'm blessed, I admit. We all should try to find our cheerleader though. Someone who pushes us on whether through challenging us or through positive feedback. Who is that person in your life? This could be a family member, a friend, a significant other, or someone else. What do they do that makes you better every day you are with them? In this season of giving, give a shout-out to them. Write a letter, make a card, or even just talk to that person. Tell them how much they mean to you and the difference they have made in your life. 

These people are with us day in and day out and so often they are the people we forget to celebrate. Remember those people who are on your team this season, helping make you into who you want to be. 


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