My Best Friend's brother...

 So I started this post a while again so here is the original post, "Life can get real crazy... especially when the things most familiar to you become foreign. I have had my fair share of crushes but always seem to come back to one guy. He's great. Thoughtful, smart, funny, romantic, teasing, and so much more plus he owns a dog. Not only that but his family ultimately rocks. Sounds perfect right? 

It might sound great but unfortunately whatever is going on isn't clear. Some days he will text me the sweetest things, tell me he likes it when we are around each other, and make it seem that something more is a possibility in the future. Then there are those days... the one-word answer days, the days when I come over and it's as if I don't exist to him. 

Though this kind of relationship may bloom into something later, this kind of indecisive behavior is a dangerous weapon when aimed towards a woman's heart. This kind of indecisiveness causes us to both gain hope and lose it in a dangerous cycle that cause the broken heart to never fully heal. Every small crack is broken over and over again in a vicious cycle. During these moments, we have to step back and look critically at the relationship. Maybe this indecisiveness is purely because they themselves don't know where their own heart. You have to accept that you have your whole life ahead of you for relationships. Be able to use your interior strength to reassure them that you can be just friends and should be until they are ready. You could even put a time limit on it. In my case, telling him that we need to stick to friend standards till the September after my birthday not only gives us a feeling of safety but reassures us that we aren't completely dismissing the idea altogether. "

This is my revisions after some time. Things got way difficult! He couldn't be JUST a friend and would continuously say or do things that confused my heart. I have had to completely step back. You have to remember that your heart and soul are more important than any friendship. I will let this friendship go until he has the maturity to handle being simply a friend. It hurts but it's necessary. I pray that he will find a way to accept being just friends, but my heart is safe even if he doesn't.

There are people out there but you need to be careful! 
It might not be seen but it sure does hurt. So protect your heart ladies.
I want this for all of you.

I love you all and as always thanks for reading and feel free to leave any comments you'd like. 


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