I'm a Superhero (AKA Big Sis) Part 2: The Little Ones

 As promised, this is the second post for all the big sisters out there. The little ones can be the easiest to deal with at times and then the most difficult of monsters when they put their foot down or want something. 

As I mentioned previously, I now work daily with the "little ones" and have come to experience a lot of new tactics for working with these little bundles of sunshine. 
1) Positive feedback rocks their world! 
From around two and up, try to preview your corrections with something positive. I've done this when they are screaming their heads off all the time. "You have such a beautiful voice, but can we keep it quiet for now." Things like that makes them feel loved and confident. Also, further inclining them to do what is asked of them. 
2) Deep breaths now. 
If you can get them to freeze and take some deep breaths, they become a lot more pliant. Phrases like "Can you smell the flowers? Now blow out the candles." encourages slow breathing and positive thinking. This calms their minds and bodies making it easier to work with them. 

3) Bribery goes bad. 

It is really tempting to use bribery to get things done. From pieces of chocolate to giving in to their demands later, sometimes it just seems simpler to bribe them. Overtime though this can get very hard, as they expect a reward for things that should not need rewarded. Try to give them things to think positively about their actions. This is especially helpful during the potty-training years, when they do their business correctly instead of giving a treat, tell them how proud you are of them, how big their getting, and how once they are fully potty trained maybe mommy will let them pick out some super pretty underwear just for them. This teaches them that what they are doing is simply a part of their growth and not necessarily something they need a treat for.  

4) The power of a hug. 

As big sisters, we know scolding is part of our job. This can be hard for little ones. Remember they don't have just one mother in these instances, but two. It can be frustrating to know you are always messing up as little ones usually are in these years. Follow any scolding with the offer of a hug or if possible, quality time with you doing something productive like cleaning or cooking. This teaches them that though you may have to act like the mother sometimes, you are still first and foremost their big sister who loves them no matter what. 

There are so many tactics for working with the little ones, but these are the ones I could think of today! Hope you enjoyed this and if you have any questions or comments on dealing with littles, please let me know. As always thanks for reading and I love to hear from y'all! 


I can completely relate to this! Especially when people call their parents by their first name, I just interiorly faint inside, because I'd literally get killed if I ever did that. 
Me... every time I go to see my counselor.
Okay. So a lot of these have nothing to do with siblings but.... I LOVE THEM! LOL
OH YEAH! I've been saying this for years!!!!!!

Yup! If I paid for it, it's been worn more than once, ladies!

SO I never had this problem but Jack always makes me smile. 


Love y'all and talk to you next time! 


  1. Just like you said, I LOVE IT! Thank you so much!

  2. Any suggestions on what to do if they want say your mom but she's busy. You try to help them but there SET on having mom. What should you do then?

    1. That is always challenging. I'd say the most effective strategy is distraction, but it doesn't ALWAYS work. A lot of times though getting them interested in something else can give your mom some time. Other than that, try to get them to do something FOR mom. Encourage them to wait and while they are waiting to draw mom a picture or make her a card. Sometimes the very act of doing something for that parent can also distract them. Hope that helps!

    2. I can try that! My one sister will want my mom to put her to bed sometimes but she's busy. Thanks for the advice!

    3. Hmmmm... well that is a bit of a challenge, isn't it? Maybe try to make up a fun routine that centers around you putting her to bed instead of mommy. Adding in fun activities like tucking in, rocket ship rides to bed, or other silly activities can make sissy bed times super exciting. No problem, Abby!


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