Not the Parents!

Ever find yourself super upset at your parents? In the teen, years it seems to happen a lot more often.

From lack of trust to assumptions about what your thoughts are, and everything in-between, it can be challenging to get along with these confusing humans. They really do want what's best for you but sometimes you will disagree on what exactly that looks like. They are going to struggle, and their struggles will cause you some mild irritation. Push forward and try to stay calm and patient.
Though I am far from perfect in this area, think of these four things to help you remain patient when the parents are driving you bonkers. 

1) They are human. 
                Parents have problems just like you. They are dealing with emotions, conflict, and struggles and need your understand during these times. They may not necessarily be mad at you and simply dealing with internal turmoil in the only way they can control. 

2) They are scared. 
                As time goes on and you near adulthood, your parents start to worry about how much they don't know, even if it really is nothing. They may pull back on the reigns of your relationships while handing over more responsibility causing you a great deal of frustration. This is one of my own personal struggles and it can be hard to have patience during these times. Just remember you have a long future ahead of you and reassure them that you are still their little girl even if you are starting to become a person of your own. You'll have time to strengthen your friendships as time goes on. You are their baby girl and they still might see you as one. 

3) You aren't their only child.
                While this doesn't apply to all, if you are an older sister than you know how quickly parents can jump on you for the smallest of things. This is because they see how your younger siblings look up to you. They feel they must control your behavior or risk a bad influence on those following you. Remind them that you are being a good influence on your siblings by showing them the path to growing older with all its new challenges and responsibilities. 

                If you are their first daughter, they may not know what to expect. They remember their childhood and see that as the only thing they can use to make comparison. Take a deep breath and try to explain the things you are doing and why. Reassure them that they are not dangerous and your way of exploring your life as you move closer to adulthood. 

You will get there someday, and they will learn as you go, just as you are learning as you go. You will make it. Protect the relationship you have with your parents. It is valuable and will keep you strong as time goes on.

Thank you so much for reading! I would love to hear from you. Leave a comment about your own struggles with your parents, whether this post helped or not, or future posts you'd like me to do! Until next time!


  1. This specific post helped me a TON. Thank you Esther! God bless you!

  2. I am so glad this was helpful to you! Anything else I could write that would be of interest to you?


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