Life Lessons from the Princesses, Part 2 Belle

Part 2!!!! Once again one of my top favorite Disney princesses, Belle! Beauty and the Beast is one of the movies that shows what true love is. It's one of a kind in this kind of inspirational love reminiscent of Christ's love to us. Below are 6 rules of what love is, from Beauty and the Beast to inspire you. 

1) Love is sacrificial. 

Belle sacrifices her dreams and future for love of her father, giving what she believes is her life for his. This is a true example of fervent familial love. The willingness to sacrifice your all for those belonging to you is very rare, especially in today's families. It also is shown in the Beast who sacrifices his joy for love of Bella, allowing her to go to her father when he falls sick with no guarantee of her return.  

2) Love judges on the inside not the outside.

When Belle first meets the Beast, he is a gruff, angry, and terrifying monster. Yet as she spends time with him, she learns his true worth that comes from within and how those things matter more than the exterior. She learns to look beyond the exterior to the gold within. 

3) Love is not boastful. 

This is spoken of in 1 Corinthians, but nothing is as unattractive as a boastful spirit. The constant bragging of Gaston, completely ruins what for Belle might be an attractive offer. His boastfulness and pride ruin an otherwise handsome exterior.  

4) Love is honest.

Belle acts as herself no matter what people say about her. This radiates from her and makes her admirable to the Beast, who later falls in love with her and shares similar interests. Our oddities are what makes us special to those who cherish us. 

5) True love accepts your flaws

Belle sees the Beast yell like a maniac. She knows his flaws and problems with anger and selfishness but accepts them for love of who is he. True love accepts all of you, problems and all. 

6) Love is kind.

Belle shows incredible kindness and affection for all. She talks kindly to Gaston despite his rudeness. She is patient with the Beast when he traps her and shows great kindness to the magical residents of the house. 

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And of course, some humor! I liked the Beast before he became a girly prince.


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