Broken Glass

 A few days ago, my mother sent me to grab a framed picture with a finicky frame and bring it down to her in the basement to reframe. As I carried the finicky frame, the glass piece slipped as well as the image, hitting the counter glass raining down onto the floor. In my haste to save the glass, I reached for a broken piece as it fell, cutting my hand open. I am fine and the image itself survived but how often do we make this same mistake with our lives?

Relationships shatter and pieces of life break and in our haste to save what is broken we end up wounded and disappointed. We are so attached to our version of what our life should be and the idea that it all falls to us that we don't see God waiting to show us the beautiful, reframed image that He had in mind without the fogginess of the glass. Christ tells us to let those broken pieces fall. He will pick up the pieces worth saving and leave behind the jagged glass pieces that were never part of His plan. 

When everything is falling apart and perfection seems too far away, offer up a little prayer. Tell God, "This is Yours to do what you please. I release to You what was never mine." 


  1. My prayer to the Lord - So be it to all that you did while on earth, so be it to all that you are now doing in heaven, so be it to all you are doing in my soul. May God bless you Esther


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