The Side Effects of Life


Ever wondered what was considered normal. People seem to narrate life in these terms: birth, toddler, school, college, marriage, and then death. Unfortunately, my life doesn't play out like that. In fact, NOBODY'S LIFE PLAYS OUT LIKE THAT! Turns out there are many side effects of life like heartbreak, sickness, friendship, nieces and nephews, exploring yourself, and the teen years full of chaos and trying to figure out everything. Adults like to reduce the search of a teen as discovering who they are, but more exactly we aren't decided who we are as much as where we are. Where we belong in this complex system of classes, societies, ideas, and generalizations. Where do we fit in as uniquely ourselves or will we never find our own place outside of our families? 

Hi! My name for this blog is Esther Faith. I am 17, from a big family, and working on exploring the world around me. As I figure things out, I mess up... a lot. I make bad decisions, form harmful friendships, and forget to nourish good friendships. The good thing though is that I am real. So if you want to join me in discovering yourself or just figuring out how to fix the little mistakes you make, just read along through my weekly journey. 

Thanks for reading and feel free to share any struggles you are having in the comments below or anything you would like me to write about in the future. 


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