A Christmas Romance

 It's that time of the year again!!! Cheesy Christmas movies are everywhere you look! Romantic subplots that always end with a kiss by New Year! It can make girls like me feel a little love-giddy and start singing Mariah Carey Christmas music to the exasperation of her family members. 

What is it about Christmas that makes us giddy? That makes us sigh and wonder how long Mr. Perfect is going to take and if you will have
melted into a puddle of impatience before then. For me, it's the lights, the magic, the chilly air that brightens the heart and eyes, the promise of snow, and the pure bliss of finding gifts for those closest to you. You buy for your family and then start creating those precious gifts for your friends. Your girlfriends are easy enough, with all the laughter shared you feel assured in what you give them. Then you get to the boys... all of a sudden you are breaking down every past experience and wondering, is he the one? Will this gift change the possible end of my romantic future? Will I be kissed by New Year's amidst sparkling fireworks while my nosy sisters peer out the window and sigh with jealousy? 

In all the hustle and bustle and love sickness we could forget that we already know who our Mr. Perfect is... not only is Christmas coming but also His birthday. Don't laugh because I know this is cheesy but Jesus is your perfect match. He loves you and every unique part about you. He loves the way you laugh, the twinkling in your eyes, the way snow melts on your hair, and the goofy thoughts that pass through your head. Even better than that He knows EVERYTHING about you and STILL loves you. You can put up shields for other people and disguise yourself in front of your family but Jesus knows every good and bad thing about you. 

He looks into your eyes, bright from the crisp air, and seeing the smile on your rosy lips tells you that you are perfect and His greatest love. (Another nice thing, is you've already met His Mother and she just rocks!) 

As this Advent begins and Christmas starts to draw near, keep in mind the Man who desires your heart with a passion beyond all others. You'll be amazed at the comfort you feel in being yourself when you see yourself in this light. 

Thanks for reading! Please comment on your thoughts, any questions or ideas you have for future articles, and your own struggles searching for Mr. Right.  


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