My Poetry From Over the Years

 I've been writing poetry for a long time now and just got around to uploading everything up here so I hope y'all enjoy! Warning... there is a lot, but I've kept all my original comments for the sake of transparency. 

Poem 1: To Your Side

When will I have the gaze to see,

All that you have given to me.

My debt for which I cannot pay,

That for me You have washed away.

The truth is hard to understand,

Of what it is that You demand.

My heart, You say, is what You need,

For all the times You intercede.

So fragile, cracked, and a foolish thing,

That is what You bid me bring.


Crystal drops roll down my face,

Overwhelmed by heavenly grace.

I still but a child be,

And yet You yearn for me.

Still, I hold my fragile front,

There are loves and dreams I want.

There are things I cannot leave,

That make my family sigh and grieve.


“Bring those to,” You then agree.

“I will show you what you cannot see,”

“Till all you need or want is Me.”

“Then I will come,” I merely sigh,

And yet here on the floor I lie.

I cannot raise to walk to You,

I cannot do what I must do.


The Lady comes in white and blue,

She is mother unto You.

She picks me up and holds my hand,

She smiles and gently makes me stand.

She tells me, “Step where I have stepped,”

And now to Your side I’ve crept.


Now embrace me, Love of mine.

You are mine as I am Thine.

Never from Your side I’ll flee,

But remain is silent mystery. 

Poem 2: True Surrender

(Another poem where the words just kind of a came out onto the paper from somewhere in my mind and I’m not quite sure how they apply to anyone but me. It seems to be happening a lot lately. I’ll start a poem with an idea in my head but then the poem kind of takes on a life of its own and changes from what I thought I was going to write into something that reflects me even more than I planned.)

When the white flag flies;

When the child’s voice cries,

When the dying closes their eyes;

From there joy will rise.

When you realize at last,

That the part you have cast

Has never been yours at all.

You would always be destined to fall.

When you realize your knowledge is dust,

And your beauty corroded by rust.

Then a smile will brighten your face,

And a light will fill you with grace.

Dancing and singing can start,

Like the beating of a once still heart.

For when you surrender Him all,

You never need fear the fall. 

Poem 3: Tranquility

(I wrote this on a warm Sunday morning in the beginning of spring while our creek was still cold sitting with my feet dangling into the cold water. There is something so captivating about God’s creation. Greek mythology always made sense to me because it is easy to convince yourself that each flower, stream, and piece of nature has its own spirit.)

Bubbling streams of cool delight,

Calm the storms and make all right.

The sun that kisses my upturned face,

As I scribble of all her glory and grace.

The geese glance towards me then drifts away,

Inviting me to come and stay.

The hem of my gown is soaked in gold,

As the water shares the stories it’s been told.

The laughter of the nymphs rushes away,

All the troubles of my long hard day.


I’ve become a nymph myself,

As my feet soak up water from my rocken shelf.

Who could resist the call to play,

That they so merrily throw our way?

They say, “Come down, oh one of us,”

“Feel the stream’s cold and the wind’s soft rush.”

“Feel the love of the sun above.”

“Embrace every creature with the kiss of a dove.”


“We turn none away,”

“Nor judge your high rank,”

“We only love the tribute you pay”

‘As you stand on our bank”

“Look at the blossoms we’ve gifted to you.”

“Come and be washed and maken anew.”


No place for vanity.

No place for fear.

In our nymphean hearts,

We caress the meek deer.

We call for the small ones,

The ones scared to show.

We come to tell you,

All you must know.

The sailor’s story and the baby’s cry,

The maiden’s sorrow and mother’s lullaby.

The fierce tyrant’s yells,

And the swell of church bells.


We know it all and with you will share,

If only you will care to dare

Poem 4: The Valiant Woman

(I wrote this because I believe a real woman shouldn’t be easily contained, I’m sure not. The world needs fighters and outspoken believers and they only come from fierce, fiery, and strong believing mothers and women. Every woman the church honors had a fire. From St. Teresa of Avila to Esther, I LOVE the fierce women of church history)

Roses made of stone,

Women made of bone.

Soft at first sight,

Hard in morning light.

Graceful cool moon,

Harsh when called too soon.

When only a child,

Her spirit grows wild.

The things they hide,

She knows inside.

The heart they strive to tame,

Will not be the one to blame

When chains she breaks,

And risks she takes.

For a lion and still a dove,

Is what God has sent from up above.

Poem 5: A Little Bit Wonderful

(This was my only little rebellion song for all the people who tell me I’m weird like it’s a bad thing. I know I’m strange but so is everyone else and I like my kind of weird… makes life more interesting)

I name squirrels,

Adopt little girls.

I clean in the night,

And love to be right.

I dance when I walk

And laugh loud as I talk.

I sing in the rain;

Thank God for my pain.

I love the brisk cold;

Can’t do what I’m told.

I make faces at boys,

And still play with toys.

Cinderella, may have been written ‘bout me

For when I start workin’, there’s one things you’ll see,

A hummin’ and dancin’ and singin’ about,

Oh, and a silly small smile and never a pout.

Some claim I’m strange,

My moods have far range.

Some say I’m nuts,

Since I don’t care ‘bout cuts.

But for opinions everywhere,

I still just don’t care. 

Poem 6: A Song from My Lord

(I actually just wrote this yesterday… in church… Music, and especially the organ, always makes me feel the Lord and I HAVE to write about it 😉)

The music in my heart,

Draws out my deepest part.

Every song You play to me,

Pulls me closer unto Thee.

The sounds do echo forth from the love,

You do hold from up above.


When, “Ave Maria!” singeth You.

In my heart, Your Words shine true.

A melody plays fast and sweet

For all a song, for me a treat.

I will sing a song for My Lord,

And fill His ear with loving accord.

You are the blessing that is all mine,

And now, My Lord, I shall be Thine! 

Poem 7: Night

(A poem for my favorite time of day, the night….. wait does that count as a time of day.) 

A single light shines, 

The wind creaks and whines;

The darkness beckons me, 

The night is all I see.

The porch swing sways, 

As the lamp sheds its rays.

My favorite time, 

The time in which I rhyme. 

The moon comes out to play, 

And the stars are on their way. 

The cricket starts his song, 

He’ll carry it all night long.

The lightning bugs sway and dance,

Inviting me to sing and prance. 

They know me so well, 

As the night sounds swell. 

This is my hour, 

The time of my power. 

No questions reach my ears; 

My heart no longer has fears. 

I am a child of the night, 

And for me it holds no fright. 

Poem 8: The Chipmunk

A chipmunk is really the sweetest of friends;

She helps and she cares like her life depends.

Her pretty bright face is always so kind,

She never wishes to leave others behind.

Though her stature is a tad small,

She stands quite tall.

She speaks with a smile,

And chats for a while.

In front of a crowd,

She’s never too loud.

Her warm cozy hugs are for all in need;

And she comes with advice with the greatest of speed.

A love for her family is never away,

And around their home, you would happily stay.

Yes, a chipmunk is simple the most wonderful friend.

I hope she will be my friend till the end.

Poem 9: Surrender

(Not sure where this one came from… it was just stuck in my head and I wanted it put onto paper even though the thoughts and concept itself don’t quite come through)

To care,

To share.

What is it about these things?

What makes them the song she sings?

To show,

To know.

Why is it so hard to reveal?

The cracks that their words must heal?

To cope,

To hope.

What brings this hope to survive?

What does the joy revive?

To pray,

To say.

What convinces us to believe,

In what we may not receive?

To surrender,

To render.

Now, you find all answers,

In the peace of knowing you know nothing. 

Poem 10: My Winged Friend

(I wrote this song for my birds. Whenever I sit in my tree outside, they love to come visit me and they are so sweet. Is it pathetic that I feel such a deep connection to so many of the animals that I meet when I’m outside or taking my walks? They are truly the sweetest of companions and great at keeping secrets 😉)

Spreading its wings,

Soaring it sings.

Flying so high,

Touching the sky.


Eyes peering down,

Searching the ground.

Always alert,

Never to be hurt.


Sends out a cry,

Singing goodbye.

Crisp clean note,

From strong feathered throat.


When comin’ home,

From wherever he roam.

Welcomes my smile,

Stays for a while.


The things he’s been told,

The secrets he’ll hold;

He would never tell,

With his voice, like a bell.


Oh, my dear feathered friend,

My love cannot rend,

Though he’s sure to fly,

He’ll always wave goodbye. 

Poem 11: On the Shelf

(My book obsession fed this poem… of course… especially my love for mysterious old books that you never quite know what they contain!)

It sat on my shelf for a month or so;

What lay inside, I didn’t quite know.

Its spine was all red, its cover smooth black;

Not a word was printed at all on the back.

What could lie in a book like this?

Was it something I just couldn’t miss?

Inside were there fairies or assassins with knives,

Maybe dark demons or goblin hives?

A romance to sweep me right off my feet,

Or a girl dancing to her very own beat?

What about orphans or looming death,

Angels that breath life with a single breathe?

Maybe a cookbook or a story of blame,

Confessions or a story of shame?

A book of faith and belief,

Or a story of sweetest relief?

I picked up the book, and thought to myself,

“What a shame to leave it on the shelf?”

I sat down in my warm rocking chair.

For the rest of my life, you’ll find me there.

I have so many more poems, but these were all the ones I found on the computer. Hope you enjoyed them and as always, I'd love to hear from you. 



  1. Your poems are amazing! My favorites are On the Shelf , A Little Bit Wonderful ( I'm told I'm weird all the time! ), and The Valiant Woman. I read your sad ones too and I, being VERY morbid liked them. Thanks again for this blog Esther! It's awesome.

    1. Thank you so much for your support! I'm glad you enjoyed them!!!!


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