I Miss Y'all!

 Hi everyone! It's been a while which I apologize for. Let's catch you up a little on the happenings of the person named ME! 

First off, two of my friends are engaged to be married which is quite an interesting change. 

Secondly, I have a new job. I am privileged to be the teacher of a group of about 10 2-year-olds. I work there every day on top of school which is the main reason it has taken me a while to say hello. 

In that time, if you can believe it, my dating numbers have gone up as people have continued to ask me out despite the reminder that I AM NOT ALLOWED TO DATE! I really feel I need a t-shirt with that on at this point. LOL. 

Besides from that nothing much to say. I am going to share some super cool memes with y'all that were shared with me by a dear friend and reader of this blog so please enjoy!

Honestly I'm usually the first type, sigh... I'll just kill the other heroine and take her place. 


Exactly! I don't necessary like them but I'd definitely say yes if they asked.

See you have to follow the emotions of your character but... it is relaxing somehow. 😂


It just happens!

Except I now want to be whisked away by some gorgeous fae boy who tells me I'm secretly a fae and revels that I am super awesome. 

My parents do both! They know I love people, but I am also more than willing to curl up with a book for days at a time. 

Hopefully I'll be able to give you a full post soon, till then I love you all and hope your lives are bubbling with sunshine! 


  1. I kept looking on here every day to check if you put a new post on LOL! Also I LOVE LOVE LOVE those memes!!!


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