Life Lessons from the Princesses, Part 3 Tiana

 1) Life requires balance. 

Tiana is too obsessed with her work and Prince Naveen is too obsessed with fun. While both these things are good in moderation, at the beginning of this movie neither of them has learned the art of balance in life. After spending time together, they learn the benefits of both of these things and how to balance both of these necessary instances to moderation. 

2) Dreams require dedication and moderate amounts of work. 

Tiana had the right idea though. She knew that her dreams wouldn't simply fall into her lap. She put in the effort, and reaped the rewards when the time came. 

3) Prayers aren't always answered in the way you expect. 

When Tiana wishes on a star, she expects her dream to be answered right away. Instead, she meets a disgusting frog who claims to be a prince and requests a kiss. This pushes her into a journey she never wanted nor expected, but by the end she has not only acquired her wish but also furthered in wisdom and found the love of her life. 

4) You will find the love of your life when pursuing the activities, you love. 

Tiana finds Naveen in her passion, and she teaches him the art that makes her happy. He doesn't ask for her to give up her passion but loved her for it. This is the biggest part of true love. They will not make you give up your greatest passion.

5) You're almost there!

You will make it. You can push forward for years and someday you will make it. You're almost there!


I feel bad for this kid... but it's true.

I feel this way about my parents sometimes! LOL

Love this guy!!! He would make an incredible drummer.


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