Life Lessons from the Princesses, Part 1 Rapunzel

I know... I know... Disney princesses are for kindergarteners and those who want to be possessed by the evil demons possessing Disney but hear me out. There are a lot of strong moral life lessons included in the Disney princess movies. From Rapunzel to Merida, they each teach us a lesson about women's reactions and how to correct our mistakes. They show us the beauty of different kinds of femininity whether you are swinging a frying pan, opening your own restaurant, or fitting that glass slipper. 

This is the first post in a series of posts about different simple life lessons, we can learn from the ladies we grew up admiring. Today I wanted to start with one of my personal favorites, Rapunzel.


  1. Probably the main reason I love Rapunzel so much though is because she is fearless. No matter in what crowd she was in, she shone forth the light inside of her with confidence and naivety that was incredible. That kind of innocent honesty and blind ferocity can be the start of amazing things. 
  2. Rapunzel was secluded but could feel something wasn't right. Sometimes even the people we've been around forever prove to be the most untrustworthy and, in those moments, you have to let them go. 
  3. Rapunzel had never known the world beyond her tower but when she stepped out of her comfort zone, quite literally, she was able to discover a world she loved and had never known. She was also able to find who she truly was outside of where she had grown up, a big part of growing older.
  4.  Rapunzel also allowed her dreams to drive her. She had no idea how she was going to see the floating lanterns, but she knew that was what she most wanted. No matter what anyone else said she stayed fixed on that one dream until she could make it happen. 
  5. I'm only joking a little when I say this, hair can be useful and a pain in the butt. Sometimes you just really need a haircut.
Of course, now that we've learned some lessons I have to share some of the laughter that comes from the world of Tangled.
He makes a lovely princess. 

                I can relate to these kinds of mood swings. LOL.

And please don't call me a pessimist.... BUT HONESTLY THIS IS SUPER TRUE!


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